Interesting Facts


The Wonderful World of Elephants...

Elephants are  the largest mammals in the world that live on land.   elephant
Asian & African Elephants There are two types of elephants - Asian and African.
  •  Asian elephants have smaller ears and shorter tusks than African elephants.
  •  African elephant is bigger and taller than the Asian elephant.
Elephants talk to each other by making sounds called "tummy rumbles." Elephants 
  • An elephant can smell water 3 miles away.

  • An elephant could carry up to 2 gallons of water in its trunk.

  • Elephants can live as long as eighty years!
  • An elephant's trunk contains more than 50,000 muscles.
  • An elephant can consume 500 pounds of hay and 60 gallons of water in a single day.
  • Life Span - Indian Elephants can live for up to 70 years
  • Elephants normally walk about 4 mph
  •  Elephants are able to swim for long distances
  •  Elephants spend about 16 hours a day eating
  •  Elephants have the largest brains in the animal kingdom.
  • A Fully grown Indian Elephant reaches the height of 8+ feet.
  • Adult Indian elephants weigh about 10,000+ pounds

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