Hinduism is often described as a religion of fasts, feasts and festivals. Fasting a Hindu tradition to please God, by controlling and curbing one's desires. Fasts most commonly known as Upvaas or Vrat are the days when devotees refrain themselves from food or water....

Aartis are the verses or sonnets (poetic or lyrical), in the introductory or in the form of praise of a God. Here we have provided you with aartis (devotional songs) of various Indian gods and goddesses. Aartis are performed during the puja of these deities....

Chalisas- A Forty Verse Prayer
Chalisa means "forty verse" prayers. Verses that praise and plead with devotion. They are recited over and over again or chanted by groups. The acts and deeds of deities are recalled in these verses to aid the devotee to meditate on righteous and noble qualities.....

Bhajans - Musical Prayers
Bhajans, musical pryers, can be as simple as a mantra or kirtan or as sophisticated as the dhrupad or kriti with music based on classical ragas and talas. It is normally lyrical, expressing love for the almighty......

Mantras and Shlokas
"Mantras" derived from the Sanskrit word 'man', meaning 'to think'. Mantra literally means 'instrument of thought'. Mantras are hymns, which are believed to benefit that chants them. Vedic mantras are said to have been divinely 'heard' (shruti) by ancient sages.....

108 Names of Gods
The Name Chants (chanting of the Divine Name or naam jaap) has a very important place in hindu worship. Hinduism encourages worshiping God with name and form. Uttering or repeating of any of God's innumerable names is one of the recommended paths of sadhana (religious practice) for those seeking the path of bhakthi (devotion)....