Hindi Proverbs - Page 1

Bandar kya jaane adark ka swaad
English : What does a monkey know of the taste of ginger?
Meaning : someone who can't understand can't appreciate.
Door ke dhol suhavane lagte hain
English : The drums sound better at a distance
Meaning : We tend to like the ones we don't have
Ghar ki murgi, dal barabar
Meaning : Self possessions are always undermined and other's possessions seem better.
Ghar ka bhedi, lanka dhayey.
Meaning : It is the insider who is dangerous and leaks secretive information to help out your enemies
Garajne wale badal baraste nahin hain
English : Those who make the most threats seldom do anything
Jitnee Lambi Chadar ho Utna hee pair failana Chahiye
English : Stretch your legs only till the size of your Counter pan.
Meaning : Limit your Spending To your Earnings.