Hindi Proverbs - Page 3

Okhali mein sir diyaa to musal se kya Darana.
English : If you have put your head into the mortar then why fear of the pounder.
Meaning : If you have started a difficult task, don't bother about what's going to happen.
Oont ke Muh mein Jeera.
English : Small cumin seed in a camel's mouth.
Meaning : Too small an amount for a very large need.
Pratyakshya ko praman ki aavashykta nahi
English : Facts don't require proof to stand correct.
Sar Salamat, to Pagdi hazaar.
English : If your head is intact, you can have a thousand turbans.
Meaning : In troubled times, save your head first, your possessions should not be your priority. You can buy worldly things anytime later.
Sau sunar ki, ek lauhar ki
English : A single blow of a blacksmith is equal to a hundred blows of a goldsmith.
Meaning : The power in one blow of hammer used by blacksmith equals hundred blows of hammer used by goldsmith.
Sau Chuhe Kha Kar Billi Haaj Ko Chalee
Naach na jaane aangan tedha
English : Two swords do not fit in one scabbard.
Meaning : Two of a trade seldom agree
Sawan ke andhe ko sab hara hi hara nazar aata hai.
English : One who goes blind in spring, sees only greenery all around
Meaning : Used for people who fail to see reality, especially dire circumstances when they have lived through prosperous times.